Buy a subscription to access thousands of pre-exam questions and 07 full SIM exam simulators, like the real PMI exam.

Pretestsimulator provides flexible subscriptions that match your needs. You don't have to pay for 3 months while you are only 1 month ahead to take the real exam.

To help you practice with quality questions that are similar to the real examination, we provide 3 types of account subscription. Please find the one that you like.

The simulators are the latest PMBOOK 7 Process, People, Environment, Agile, Math, and ITTO questions with detailed explanations. The report analyzes your exam practice and tells you which domains are above, below, or need improvement.

30 days subscription

- 40 topics to refresh your memory.

- Over 2,000 practice questions

- 1,260 unique pre-exam questions

- 05 full SIM pre-exams, similar to the real PMI exam

- 30 days of access 

Only 49$

60 days subscription

- 40 topics to refresh your memory.

- Over 2,000 practice questions

- 1,260 unique pre-exam questions

- 05 full SIM pre-exams, similar to the real PMI exam

- 02 exclusive SIM, the same as the real PMI exam

- 60 days of access 

Only 89$

90 days subscription

- 40 topics to refresh your memory.

- Over 2,000 practice questions

- 1,260 unique pre-exam questions

- 05 full SIM pre-exams, similar to the real PMI exam

- 02 exclusive SIM, the same as the real exam

- 90 days of access 

Only 109$

Exam simulator and report screenshots
