Buy a subscription to access thousands of pre-exam questions and 07 full SIM exam simulators, like the real exam.

Pretestsimulator provides flexible subscriptions that match your needs. You don't have to pay for 3 months while you are only 1 month ahead to take the real exam.

To help you practice with quality questions that are similar to the real examination, we provide 3 types of account subscription. Please find the one that you like.

The simulators are the latest Domain, Process, People, Environment, Agile, Math, and ITTO questions with detailed explanations. The report analyzes your exam practice and tells you which domains are above, below, or need improvement.

30 days subscription

- 40 topics to refresh your memory.

- Over 2,000 practice questions

- 1,260 unique pre-exam questions

- 05 full SIM pre-exams, similar to the real exam


- 30 days of access 

Only 49$

60 days subscription

- 40 topics to refresh your memory.

- Over 2,000 practice questions

- 1,260 unique pre-exam questions

- 05 full SIM pre-exams, similar to the real PMI exam

- 02 exclusive SIM, the same as the real exam

- 60 days of access 

Only 89$

90 days subscription

- 40 topics to refresh your memory.

- Over 2,000 practice questions

- 1,260 unique pre-exam questions

- 05 full SIM pre-exams, similar to the real PMI exam

- 02 exclusive SIM, the same as the real exam

- 90 days of access 

Only 109$


Exam simulator and report screenshots


The exam report shows your skills in each domain and category


Your exam has been taken


Your attempt on the last 5 times


You can review your question and answer with an explanation


You can mark the question to review and change the answer


Review your wrong answer


Review your correct answer


Exam whiteboard


Exam calculator