20 PMP People Domain Questions Answer and Explanation


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Question 1 - ID: 862668
Carina is a principal project manager of You’ve Got Dogs, a specialty company that creates custom dog apparel and toys. As part of her latest project, she struggles to rein in the team, who seem to be at each other’s throats. She knows everyone has good intentions, but they are not yet open and trusting with each other. What phase of the team development model is the team currently in?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
The team is currently in the storming phase of Tuckman’s team development model. In this phase, the team members begin to address the project work and are not yet collaborative or open with each other.
Question 2 - ID: 692789
A project manager managing a small project has a total of 12 active stakeholders. How many lines of communication exist?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
The formula for calculating lines of communication is as follows, where n represents the total number of stakeholders (you are already assumed to have been included in the number): n (n – 1) ÷ 2 Plug in the numbers to get the following: 12(12 - 1) ÷ 2 = 66.
Question 3 - ID: 572669
Dr. William Ouchi developed a theory that is concerned with increasing employees’ loyalty to their organizations and places emphasis on the well-being of the employees, both at work and outside of work. What is the name of this leadership theory?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Theory Z was developed by Dr. William Ouchi. This theory is concerned with increasing employee loyalty to their organizations. This theory results in increased productivity, puts an emphasis on the well-being of the employees both at work and outside of work, encourages steady employment, and leads to high employee satisfaction and morale.
Question 4 - ID: 262773
Your project has a total of 35 stakeholders. How many lines of communication exist?
Select one
Answer and explanation:

The formula for calculating lines of communication is as follows, where n represents the total number of stakeholders (you are already assumed to have been included in the number): Plug in the numbers to get the following: 35(35 - 1) ÷ 2 = 595.

Question 5 - ID: 282760
All of the following make up the PMI Talent Triangle™ except for which one?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
There are three categories of skill set that make up the PMI Talent Triangle®: business management and strategic skills, technical project management skills, and leadership skills.
Question 6 - ID: 712717
Match the decision-making technique with its description.
Term Description
One individual makes the decision
Uses unanimity, majority, or plurality to make decisions
Multicriteria decision analysis
Multicriteria decision analysis
Uses a systematic approach to making decisions
Answer and explanation:
The PMBOK® Guide highlights three decision-making techniques: voting, autocratic, and multicriteria decision analysis.
Question 7 - ID: 932744
You are a senior project manager working at a manufacturing plant that produces components used by the aviation industry. You have just finalized team assignments. What action are you likely to perform next?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
You have just completed activities associated with building the project team. Activities associated with developing the team are likely to follow.
Question 8 - ID: 492688
You are working with your stakeholders and performing activities associated with the Executing process group. You are dealing with some issues involving the project objectives and are working to maintain consensus among the five stakeholders participating in this project. You have used both influencing and negotiating skills and have finally come to consensus on the issue at hand. Which of the following options best describes the contents of this question?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
You are in the Executing processes, so therefore you are in the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process. This question describes the interpersonal and team skills tool and technique for this process.
Question 9 - ID: 712649
You are a project manager working on contract. The organization that’s contracted with your company is not happy with the progress of the project to date. They claim that an important deliverable was overlooked and that you should halt the project and reassess how to meet this deliverable. You know that the customer has approved all phases of the project to date. Which of the following statements is true?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Negotiation is working with others to come to an agreement. Arbitration and mediation are two forms of negotiation.
Question 10 - ID: 892779
Reasons to Lyv is the top customer of a large marketing firm. Trudy is the president of Reasons to Lyv and has decided to launch a product that leverages new GPS tracking technology. She sits down with Roy, the project manager on the project, to discuss which stakeholders are resistant, unaware, neutral, supportive, or leading within the project. What activity are they performing?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Trudy and Roy are carrying out activities associated with planning stakeholder engagement, which involves developing the approaches to engage stakeholders based on their interests, impact on the project, needs, and expectations.
Question 11 - ID: 292732
Sue, a project management office (PMO) leader, is interested in shifting the organization from using a predictive to an adaptive delivery model. The majority of the key stakeholders she works with have been around for more than 10 years and tend to be averse to change. What approach is Sue likely to take in shifting to an adaptive approach?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Teams that are resistant to change respond better to a gradual transition where components of both predictive and adaptive delivery models are used. This is referred to as a hybrid approach.
Question 12 - ID: 912692
Your virtual project team consists of 12 people in the same building you’re located in plus 4 people from the West Coast office, 2 people from the Kansas City office, and 6 people from the London office. Your office works different hours from all the other offices. Additionally, not all of the resources in your building are available at the same times during the day. Three of those 12 team members work swing shift hours. Which of the following are true?
Select three
Answer and explanation:
Virtual teams may not work in the same location, but they all share the goals of the project and have a role to fulfill.
Question 13 - ID: 732784
You are a project manager for Dakota Software Consulting Services. You’re working with a major retailer that offers its products through mail-order catalogs. It’s interested in knowing customer characteristics, the amounts of first-time orders, and similar information. At one of your first project meetings, you explain to the team that quality is the number-one priority with this project and you will immediately deal with any project results (and those who caused them) that are not in keeping with this goal. The last software company that worked with this retailer was terminated because the quality of the end product was unacceptable. You tell the team there will be rewards for those who meet the quality requirements of this project. You also tell them the guidelines for escalating issues with the retailer and instruct them there are to be no deviations from this process. You want to know about anything that has the potential to become an issue. You conclude the meeting and return to your office to write the next status report. Which of the following is true regarding this question?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
This question describes a transactional leadership style. Transactional leaders are autocratic, activity focused, and autonomous; they use contingent reward systems and manage by exception.
Question 14 - ID: 222751
The project sponsor of a project has just met with the organization’s senior executives to provide them with a summary of the latest project that is about to kick off. He introduces Yasmin, the project manager, and commits to the room of executives that the project is bound to be a success. Who assumes responsibility for the success of the project?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
While the project sponsor is typically accountable for the project, it is the project manager who assumes responsibility for the overall success of the project.
Question 15 - ID: 512715
Your manager knocks on your door and asks whether you have time to discuss the recent draft status report you sent her for review. She knows you are interested in performing at your best, but it seems that the third paragraph of the status report may contain a misstatement. She diligently listens to your explanation and realizes that her assumptions were incorrect. She explains that if she misunderstood, others might also. She asks if you wouldn’t mind taking a stab at clarifying this paragraph. Which theory does your manager practice?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
The best answer to this question is Theory Y. Theory Y managers believe people are interested in performing at their best, given the right motivation and proper expectation. They support their teams, are concerned about team members, and are good listeners.
Question 16 - ID: 832786
You are managing a project on contract. Your bonus is contingent on the timely completion of the project. The project is behind schedule, but the remaining tasks are easy to complete and won’t take more than a week. Which of the following is the most appropriate response?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
The most appropriate response is to tell the customer about the remaining tasks and work with them to modify the schedule date or modify the agreement regarding the payment date.
Question 17 - ID: 432729
Many projects fail because of conflicts among stakeholders. Conflict often exists because of which of the following?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Stakeholders often have conflicting interests, which can generate conflict. It is the project manager’s responsibility to understand these conflicts and try to resolve them.
Question 18 - ID: 872757
While performing activities associated with controlling project and product scope, a project manager uncovers scope creep. The project manager learns that the scope creep was a result of a close friend, who is a prominent stakeholder of the project. What should the project manager do?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Fairness includes avoiding favoritism and discrimination against others, avoiding and reporting conflict-of-interest situations, and maintaining impartiality in a decisionmaking process. In this case, scope creep should be brought to the project team’s attention and treated as an unapproved change. This would need to go through the formal change control process.
Question 19 - ID: 662747
A project manager considers how best to navigate through the politics of the organization where most of their project team resides. What skill set is the project manager exercising?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
The project manager is utilizing strategic and business management skills, which is one of three categories of skill set that make up the PMI Talent Triangle®. The other two are technical project management and leadership.
Question 20 - ID: 642691
A project manager is planning the kickoff meeting for a project that will have team members dispersed across nine countries. What can the project manager do to support an environment where diverse perspectives and views are encouraged and valued?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Sometimes you might find yourself working with teams of people from different countries or cultures. Some team members might be from one country and some from another. The best way to ensure that cultural or ethical differences do not hinder your project is to provide training for all team members.

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