Manage conflict


  • Interpret the source and stage of the conflict. (ECO 1.1.1)
  • Analyze the context for the conflict. (ECO 1.1.2)
  • Evaluate/recommend/reconcile and track effectiveness. (ECO 1.1.3)
  • Identify the root cause of the misunderstanding. (ECO 1.10.1)
  • Investigate potential misunderstandings. (ECO 1.10.4)

Deliverables, and Tools

The Project Manager's Role

  • Managing conflict is a responsibility of all stakeholders.
  • The PM heavily influences the direction and handling of conflict.
  • Interpersonal and team skills help to ensure positive results when handling conflict.
  • In agile projects, the project manager may assist in conflict resolution while the team is empowered to resolve conflicts.
  • As a servant leader, a project manager can assist in the removal of impediments or sources of conflict to support the team’s performance.

Causes of Conflict

  • Competition.
  • Differences in objectives, values, and perceptions.
  • Disagreements about role requirements, work activities, and individual approaches.
  • Communication breakdowns.

Conflict Management

  • Application of one or more strategies for dealing with disagreements.
  • Effective conflict management can lead to improved understanding, performance, and productivity.
  • Ineffective or nonexistent conflict management can lead to:
  • Destructive behavior
  • Animosity
  • Poor performance
  • Reduced productivity
  • Use various conflict resolution methods

Change Management Theory

Refer to useful organizational change management models:

  • McKinsey 7-S Model
  • Kotter’s Theory

Managing changes in project and organizations requires different strategies depending on circumstances, people involved, and timing.

Important to have a robust theory and approach to change management to support the business goals and needs.

Embracing change as a strategy helps organizations balance investment and risk, be more flexible, and ensure maximum ROI.

Change management is an essential capability and a significant professional practice it its own right.

Conflict Management Approaches

Team Charter

A team charter is defined as a document that records the team values, agreements, and operating guidelines as well as establishing clear expectations regarding acceptable behavior by project team members.