30 Manage Procurement Questions Answer and Explanation


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Question 1 - ID: 721310
Your construction project is in execution, and you require a major change to one of your supplier agreements. Can you directly make this change with mutual consent of the supplier during the Control Procurements process, or do you have to visit the Perform Integrated Change Control process, as well?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
The change request needs to be approved through the perform integrated change control process prior to making the change through the control procurements process. Approved change requests from the perform integrated change control process are inputs of the control procurements process.
Question 2 - ID: 911289
You have recently joined an organization as the procurements manager. You have just received an invoice from a contractor. Some of the items from the invoice are as follows: EV of work completed to date: $50,000. AC of work completed to date: $40,000. Total costs reimbursed by the buyer to date: $35,000. If the contract between the buyer and the contractor is a CPIF contract, what is the total value payable to this contractor? (Assume that the contract allows for a 10 percent fee over net payable whenever CPI > 1).
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Since this is a CPIF (cost plus incentive fee) contract, the fee is calculated as a percentage of the actual cost provided that the CPI is greater than 1. In this case CPI is greater than one (i.e. CPI = 1.25) and hence 10% fee is applicable on the total cost reimbursable. AC is $40k out of which $35k has already been reimbursed. Hence total cost reimbursable is $5k. The total payable in this case is $5k x 1.1 = $5,500.
Question 3 - ID: 121189
You are building a mile-long bridge on a T&M contract. During the excavation activity, you learned some telephone cables are crossing the alignment where you have to construct the bridge. You need to relocate these telephone cables, but there is no provision of such an activity in the contract. Further, the relocation of the cables is a costly task, and you need to do a lot of government paperwork, as well. You requested an amendment in the contract, but the buyer rejected it. Despite many efforts, you both could not resolve this issue. What should you do next?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
In this scenario there has been an increase in the scope of works. Since the contract doesn’t accommodate this, the contractor rightfully requested for an amendment. However, since both parties cannot settle this amicably, the next step is to seek arbitration.
Question 4 - ID: 581896
Which of the following is not a tool or technique of the Control Procurements process?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Advertising is a tool and technique of the conduct procurements process. The other choices are valid tools or techniques of the control procurements process.
Question 5 - ID: 691983
Organizations evaluate whether to buy products or make the items themselves. Which of the following is not a factor that influences makeor-buy decisions:
Select one
Answer and explanation:
A make-or-buy analysis results in a decision as to whether particular work can best be accomplished by the project team or needs to be outsourced. The total duration of the project does not (and should not) influence this analysis. The other choices are rational considerations during this analysis.
Question 6 - ID: 121672
Which of the following is an output of the Conduct Procurements process?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Selected seller is the output of the conduct procurements process. The other choices are the tools and techniques of this process.
Question 7 - ID: 531132
Three years back, your organization awarded a fixed price contract to a reputable local contractor to construct a new airport terminal in the city. A few days back, you received a change request from the contractor requesting to adjust the contract’s price. The contractor is claiming that as a result of the recent national recession, the prices of raw materials have gone up and he cannot complete the rest of the project at the contract price. Is the contactor’s request legitimate?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Unless there is no provision for economic price adjustment due to inflation, a fixed price contract’s value cannot be changed. Usually fixed price contracts spanning over one year in duration have this provision built into the contract.
Question 8 - ID: 121692
As part of the procurement process, the procuring organization elected to have an estimate of costs prepared by an outside professional estimator. The estimator came up with an estimate of $500,000. However, the cost estimates prepared by prospective sellers were in the range of $200,000. How can this be best interpreted?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
When prospective bids are significantly different from the estimates prepared by a professional estimator, it likely means that the procurement statement of work (sow) was deficient or that the prospective sellers have misunderstood the procurement sow. The other choices jump to conclusions without relevant data. It is possible that some prospective sellers do not have the skills or are trying to underbid; but in this case, all of them are off by a large percentage. Hence, it points to a deficient statement of work.
Question 9 - ID: 811364
The State of New York has contracted with your company to provide a claims payment system for Medicaid benefits. In the contract, a clause states that the State of New York can review your work processes and deliverables. This is an example of:
Select one
Answer and explanation:
A contractually authorized review by the buyer of work and deliverables is an example of an inspection and audit.
Question 10 - ID: 431028
Project knowledge management is concerned with managing which type of project knowledge?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Knowledge is commonly split into explicit (knowledge that can be readily codified using words, pictures, and numbers) and tacit (knowledge that is personal and difficult to express). Knowledge management is concerned with managing both tacit and explicit knowledge.
Question 11 - ID: 981130
The performance reports produced during the Control Procurements process are then provided to which project management process for further processing?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Although, pmbok does not explicitly mentions performance reports as an output of the control procurements process, these reports are produced during this process. The performance reports are then provided to the monitor & control project work in the form of work performance information.
Question 12 - ID: 361897
You have received a proposal for an RFP that was sent to vendors. One of the vendors has proposed doing the project for $12,500. The cost for the project is $10,000, and their profit will be $2,500. Which type of contract is most suitable if the type of work is predictable and the requirements are well-defined and not likely to change?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Fixed-price contracts are most suitable if the type of work is predictable and the requirements are well defined and not likely to change.
Question 13 - ID: 871498
You are the project manager for a Fortune 100 IT company, and you are currently engaged in an important project. You want to choose the best contractor for a specialized task. What should you do to evaluate potential contractors?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
An input to the conduct procurements process, seller proposals are prepared by sellers in response to a procurement document package. These are then evaluated by the buyer to perform source selection.
Question 14 - ID: 731072
Large organizations typically manage a wide range of projects; from small projects to large initiatives requiring long-term commitments. Which of the following factors can be used in scaling such projects:
Select one
Answer and explanation:
In large organizations, there may be a mixture of small projects and large initiatives requiring long-term commitments to manage these programs using scaling factors such as team size, geographical distribution, regulatory compliance, organizational complexity, and technical complexity. Funds availability is a constraint applicable to all projects.
Question 15 - ID: 351832
A project manager is looking at a make-or-buy analysis as part of the Procurement Management process. What type of costs should the project manager consider for this analysis?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
The make-or-buy analysis needs to be as comprehensive as possible. Hence, it should consider all possible costs, both direct and indirect.
Question 16 - ID: 451664
If you had an experience with a particularly well or poorly performing vendor, what is the correct way to document this experience for future projects?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
A seller performance evaluation is created by the buyer and provides information about the seller's performance.
Question 17 - ID: 191642
Which of the following techniques can help clarify the structure, requirements, and other terms of the purchases so that mutual agreement between a buyer and a seller can be reached prior to signing the contract?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Procurement negotiations help clarify the structure, requirements, and other terms of the purchases so that mutual agreement between a buyer and a seller can be reached prior to signing the contract. The bidders’ conferences are carried out prior to this stage, and they are used to ensure that all prospective sellers have a clear and common understanding of the procurement requirements. Advertising and independent estimates cannot help in this case.
Question 18 - ID: 401767
A number of deliverables were submitted to the buyer as part of a project. Where would the project manager find documentation on the requirements for formal deliverable acceptance and on how nonconforming deliverables can be addressed?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
When projects are performed for external customers, requirements for formal deliverable acceptance and how to address non-conforming deliverables are usually defined in the project agreements.
Question 19 - ID: 381902
Apart from the difference in the overall governance approach used for the projects performed under the predictive and adaptive lifecycles, the project manager should also be familiar with:
Select one
Answer and explanation:
The role of the project manager does not change bases on managing project using a predictive development life cycle or managing project in adaptive environments. However, to be successful in used adaptive approaches, the project manager will need to be familiar with the tools and techniques to understand and how to apply them effectively.
Question 20 - ID: 431288
You have just received an invoice from your supplier that contains some uncertified items. Payments to the supplier are processed through your corporate accounts payable system only after certification of satisfactory work by the project quality control specialist. What should you do?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
The supplier could have sent the invoice by mistake or some other reason. The first step is to clarify the matter with the supplier. You must call the supplier and obtain more information before you take any other step.
Question 21 - ID: 731014
During the Control Procurements process, a number of documents might get updated due to various reasons. Which of the following components of the project management plan is least likely to get updated during this process?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
The procurement management plan, schedule baseline, and the cost baseline typically gets updated as result of a significant change in procurement contracts or strategy. However, the quality management plan is least likely to get updated during this process since quality requirements always need to be met by all contractors. The contractors can be allowed more money or time to complete the works but cannot be allowed to compromise the quality of the works.
Question 22 - ID: 871901
What is the purpose of a bidder conference?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Bidder conferences are also called contractor conferences or vendor conferences. Their purpose is to provide all vendors with an understanding of the project requirements and to give all vendors equal time to get their questions answered.
Question 23 - ID: 141895
Which of these is not an input to the Control Procurements process?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Change requests are not inputs to the control procurements process. The other choices are valid inputs to this process.
Question 24 - ID: 401063
Maintaining good supplier relationships should be important to all project managers. A good buyer-seller relationship is a partnership that results in a win-win situation that nurtures both parties. Which of the following is both a short- and long-term benefit of treating a supplier with courtesy, honesty, and fairness?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Charging higher than market price or delaying the payment will damage the relationship in the long-run. Further formal contracts should always be in place as it is a good project management practice and it mitigates risk for both parties and avoids conflicts. The benefit of good supplier relationship is delivery of quality products at competitive prices. [pmi best practice; not explicitly stated in pmbok] [project procurement management]
Question 25 - ID: 271616
A project is contracted on a Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF) basis. The targeted cost is US$200,000 with a fee of US$30,000. If the project comes in at US$170,000, what would be the total cost of the contract?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
In a cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) type of contract, the seller is reimbursed for allowable costs and receives a fixed fee payment calculated as a percentage of the estimated project costs. The fixed fee does not vary with actual costs unless the project scope changes. In the current scenario, the fixed fee is us$30,000. Although the actual project comes in at us$170,000, the fixed fee remains the same. Hence, the total cost of the contract will be 170,000 + 30,000 = 200,000.
Question 26 - ID: 562035
In a manufacturing project, you have requested bids to procure stainlesssteel products. However, your sponsor insists that you conduct bidder conferences before selecting sellers. What mandatory standard in the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is met by conducting bidder conferences?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Bidder conferences or vendor conferences are used to provide a clear understanding of the procurement process to all prospective sellers. This process ensures that the mandatory standard of fairness is followed in the bidding process. Fairness in this case means making opportunities equally available to all qualified candidates.
Question 27 - ID: 531900
Which of the following is accurate regarding agreements in Project Procurement Management?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Agreements are legal and formal documents between buyers and sellers.
Question 28 - ID: 551327
Andy’s project stakeholders are not happy as the project is lagging behind schedule. During the executive committee meeting, Andy requests all stakeholders to keep their calm as most of the project deliverables have been completed and only quality inspections of these deliverables is pending. He assures the stakeholders that he is planning to crash the project to meet the completion deadline. What should be the stakeholders’ biggest concern now?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Meeting project schedule objectives by rushing planned quality inspections may result in undetected errors, decreased profits, and increased post-implementation risks. The other choices are incorrect.
Question 29 - ID: 581085
A project manager feels the need of updating one of the project supplier contracts to meet the project’s current needs. However, before any change requests, the project manager must know the right process to incorporate a change into this specific contract. What should he do first?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
The first step should be to gather enough information so that the right decision and course of action can be determined. The second step should be to issue a change request and follow its approval. The project manager must first review the change request handling procedure specific to the contract and that can be found in the procurement contract itself.
Question 30 - ID: 731932
Rosanne is an experienced project manager working on a pharmaceutical project. This project involves two large vendors supplying chemical products with specific compositions for preparing drugs. While reviewing documents to see how a seller is performing, she notices the seller did not meet some of the contractual terms. Since it is a first-time violation, she would like to initiate a corrective action to bring the seller’s performance in line with the statement of work. Which of the following are not outputs of Rosanne’s effort?
Select one
Answer and explanation:
Evaluating the performance of the seller is done during the control procurements process. If the contractual terms are not met by the seller, a corrective action can be initiated. If there are severe violations, the contract can be terminated based on the language used in the contract. Work performance information, change requests, project management plan updates, project document updates and organizational process updates are the outputs of this process. Work performance data and approved change requests are inputs to this process.

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