Negotiate project agreements



  • Analyze the bounds of the negotiations for agreement. (ECO 1.8.1)
  • Assess priorities and determine ultimate objective(s). (ECO 1.8.2)
  • Verify objective(s) of the agreement is met. (ECO 1.8.3)
  • Participate in agreement negotiations. (ECO 1.8.4)
  • Determine a negotiation strategy (ECO 1.8.5)

Deliverables, and Tools


Negotiations are discussions that are aimed at reaching an agreement.

Documents might include:

  • A statement of work or major deliverables
  • A schedule with milestones and dates
  • Performance reporting expectations
  • Pricing and payment terms
  • Inspection, quality requirements, and acceptance criteria
  • Warranty and future support
  • Incentives or Penalties
  • Insurance and Performance Bonds
  • Subcontractor approvals
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Change Request handling
  • Termination clauses and Dispute Resolution

Service Level Agreements

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) * are defined as a contract between a service provider (internal or external) and the end user that describes the level of service expected from the service provider.

Performance Report

Project performance metrics might include:

  • Percentage of work completed
  • Quality and technical performance metrics
  • Start and finish of scheduled activities
  • Change requests
  • Defects
  • Actual costs and durations

Work performance data * is defined as the raw observations and measurements identified during activities being performed to carry out the project work. Work performance data is integrated and contextualized in reports that should:

  • Generate decisions
  • Raise issues, actions, and awareness

Agile projects include:

  • Completed and accepted
  • Progress through a product backlog
  • Team delivery of stories against iteration plans

Expert Judgment

Expert judgment*: Judgment provided based upon expertise in an application area, knowledge area, discipline, industry, etc., as appropriate for the activity being performed. Such expertise may be provided by any group or person with specialized education, knowledge, skill, experience, or training.

Negotiation Strategy

Negotiations for the exact parameters of a contract are generally driven by the procurement manager.

The project manager and project teams may be engaged as part of the negotiations.

In a traditional project approach, one important objective is a clear designation of the project’s intended deliverables and how they will be measured and compensated.

In a more agile approach, the exact deliverables will be variable as the customer modifies, adds, and reprioritizes items in their product backlog, and so clearly delineated ways to ensure agreed performance levels must be defined.

Resource Calendars

The resource calendar identifies working days, shifts, and when specific resources are made available to the project.

  • Used to determine which resources (people, equipment, material, etc.) are available during a planned activity period and should be taken into account when estimating project activities.
  • Used to identify key resource attributes such as skills and experience levels to ascertain if the resources with the proper skills to carry out certain types of work will be available during different aspects of the project.

Lessons Learned

The lessons-learned register * is a project document used to record knowledge gained during a project so that it can be used in the current project and entered into the lessons learned repository.

  • An effective project team should regularly review its performance and identify lessons learned and identify specific improvements that will increase the team's overall efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Agile teams schedule a ceremony called a retrospective at the end of each iteration to identify potential issues, identify potential solutions, and improve the processes the team uses to improve its overall performance.

Go Live Black-Out Times

  • Black-out times where other changes to their systems are suspended to reduce risks as a solution is released to customers.
  • Go live will occur at the end of the project timeline, and black-out times may be negotiated in advance based on the overall project schedule and timeline
  • In an agile approach, there may be a number of releases of aspects of the solution over the project’s timeline, and black-out times (if needed) will be negotiated as the project approaches a release threshold.

Guidelines to Participate in Negotiations

Project managers and project team members will often be engaged throughout the negotiations process.

Project team can suggest or identify:

  • Deliverables and milestones
  • Risks and issues
  • Expert judgment about problem definition and solution approaches
  • Practices for how the project will be operated (traditional waterfall, Agile, etc.)
  • Resource requirements

Project Agreement Objectives

An important part of the project agreement is clarity on how the respective parties will report on and verify that the objectives of the project are met.

In a traditional project, each deliverable is identified and objective acceptance criteria for each are identified.

In an agile project, since the actual deliverables will vary as the product backlog is added to, reprioritized, and so forth, each story needs to have clearly defined acceptance criteria approved by the customer. The project may also specify a Definition of Done for the project, releases, iterations, and user stories.