Mentor relevant stakeholders


  • Allocate the time for ongoing mentoring. (ECO 1.13.1)
  • Recognize and act on mentoring opportunities. (ECO 1.13.2)
  • Determine appropriate feedback for effectiveness. (ECO 1.3.3)

Deliverables, and Tools

Coaching and Mentoring

  • Coaching and mentoring others helps them become more proficient team members.
  • Raising the abilities of the team increases their output and their value.
  • Increasing the knowledge base and the skill sets of all project stakeholders promotes more successful and effectively managed projects.
  • With limited time and resources, you must make sacrifices on how to mentor others.
  • Start mentoring the relevant stakeholders in a project and expand from there throughout the organization.

Transformation Skills

  • The project organization, the business, and the world are constantly changing and evolving.
  • Supporting the transformation requires patience and compassionate mentoring.
  • Most noticeable in teams that are transforming from one project management approach to another.
  • In today’s digital world, the skill set being used today may be obsolete or limited tomorrow.

Determining Relevant Stakeholders

  • When refining the backlog, mentoring the product owner on grooming best practices.
  • When onboarding a new project team member, guiding her on the processes used by the team.
  • When a team member must purchase material for the project, showing them the procurement best practices and process for the organization.

Individual Mentoring and Coaching

Mentoring and Coaching as a Group

  • Mentoring and coaching also occurs in whole team settings.
  • When project managers are demonstrating the best means to complete a project management task, all involved in the activity are learning.
  • Project managers can call out and explain what is happening and why.
  • Others in the group can contribute and guide the practice.
  • The entire team learns and grows as a unit.
  • All on the team are relevant stakeholders.


  • Project managers generally take the lead when it comes to facilitating project management activities.
  • Modeling good project facilitation skills is observed and internalized by all.
  • Encouraging participation from stakeholders in the activities builds their knowledge and comprehension.
  • Guiding and offering advice provides relevant feedback and confidence in what they are doing.
  • Increasing the abilities of all project stakeholders increases the shared understanding and efficiency of project tasks and practices.
  • When all contribute, all gain.