30 PMP Select Two Questions Answer and Explanation


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Question 1 - ID: 152999
What considerations should be given when applying organizational change management?
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Answer and explanation:
According to Managing Change in Organizations: A Practice Guide, published by PMI, there are three recommendations to consider when applying organizational change management at a comprehensive level: 1) models for describing change dynamics, 2) framework for achieving change, and 3) application of change management practices at the project, program, and portfolio levels.
Question 2 - ID: 773451
What are the two categories into which knowledge can be split?
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Answer and explanation:
Knowledge can be split into explicit and tacit knowledge. Explicit knowledge can be captured and expressed using words, pictures, and numbers; tacit knowledge is more difficult to capture or express, such as beliefs, experiences, and “know-how.”
Question 3 - ID: 983369
Which of the following domains are part of the Five-Factor Model that identifies personality traits?
Select two
Answer and explanation:
The Five-Factor Model, also known as the Big Five personality traits, is a personality survey that identifies five broad dimensions used to describe an individual’s personality. The five factors are openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
Question 4 - ID: 182892
You’ve gathered cost estimates for the activities of your current project. Most of the activities can be completed with existing staff resources. The summary cost estimate for existing resources is $535,000. You will also need to hire contractors to perform some of the activities that require specialized skills. You’ve received a bid from a local vendor for $137,000 for these services. Which of the following statements are true?
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Answer and explanation:
The procurement SOW can be prepared by either the buyer or the seller, but it is progressively elaborated throughout the procurement processes and will likely change prior to the contract award.
Question 5 - ID: 373308
This methodology uses an iterative-based Agile approach. It is a single-team framework that is primarily used to manage product development. At the end of each iteration, the team facilitates a meeting to review what went well and ideas for improvement. Which methodology does this describe, and what technique is this question referring to?
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Answer and explanation:
The question describes the Scrum framework, and the technique referenced is the facilitation of sprint retrospective meetings (in Scrum, iterations are referred to sprints). Sprint retrospectives are held to determine what went well, what could be improved for the next sprint, and any changes needed to the scope.
Question 6 - ID: 953992
Which of the following are tools and techniques of the Identify Stakeholders process you can use to categorize stakeholders?
Select two
Answer and explanation:
Identify Stakeholders tools and techniques are expert judgment, data gathering, data analysis, data representation, and meetings. The Salience model and power/interest grid are two of the data representation techniques you can use to categorize and show stakeholder information. The stakeholder register is where the information is recorded.
Question 7 - ID: 623495
Which of the following are examples of project life cycles?
Select two
Answer and explanation:
According to the PMBOK® Guide, there are four common project life cycles: predictive, iterative, incremental, and Agile. Hybrid refers to a combination of two or more life cycles.
Question 8 - ID: 364001
This type of leader leads the team in learning and maturing agile practices. They promote emotional intelligence and selfawareness, they are good listeners, put the needs of others first, help team members improve their skills, they coach and mentor, encourage safety, encourage respectful behaviors, build trust among the team, and promote the skills and intelligence of others. Which of the following leadership styles does this question describe and what are the three steps, in order, they use to help the team learn and mature agile processes?
Select two
Answer and explanation:
This question describes a servant leader. They take three steps to ensure the team learns and matures the agile process: purpose, people, process.
Question 9 - ID: 473251
An organization interested in shifting the organizational culture to adopt new practices, such as Agile, must create an environment that enables which of the following?
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Answer and explanation:
Organizations interested in adopting Agile practices or other new cultural norms must foster and enable an environment that is safe, honest, and transparent. This type of environment encourages the team to move forward and avoid falling into old behaviors and practices.
Question 10 - ID: 673071
Which of the following statements is true?
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Answer and explanation:
According to the Agile Practice Guide, the goal of project management is to produce business value. The method that a team uses to deliver value should be based on which would yield the most successful outcome. This is often driven by the nature of the project and the circumstances surrounding the project.
Question 11 - ID: 752740
Agile teams favor which type of performance measurement?
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Answer and explanation:
Agile teams focus on measuring value and what the team delivers versus what the team predicted it would deliver. Measurements tend to be empirical and value-based in nature.
Question 12 - ID: 562672
In what ways does the servant leadership approach empower teams?
Select two
Answer and explanation:
Servant leadership enables the team to be successful by playing a supportive role, allowing the team to be self-organized and self-managed. A servant leader has several responsibilities intended to empower the team; two examples include providing greater team accountability and supporting the team through mentorship and encouragement.
Question 13 - ID: 162775
One of the core tenants highlighted by Agile approaches is the value of flow versus focusing on how people are utilized. Which of the following reflect benefits of optimizing flow to attain value?
Select two
Answer and explanation:
The Agile Manifesto highlights how important individuals and their interactions are. As a result, Agile approaches stress the importance of optimizing flow to achieve ongoing value. Key benefits include the following: people are more likely to collaborate, teams produce valuable work faster, and teams waste less time.
Question 14 - ID: 343396
What questions should a team ask when developing an implementation strategy using an Agile mindset?
Select two
Answer and explanation:
The adoption of Agile practices begins by embracing an Agile mindset. According to the Agile Practice Guide, project teams looking to adopt Agile can ask themselves the following questions while developing an implementation strategy: How can the project team act in an Agile manner? What can the team deliver quickly and obtain early feedback about to benefit the next delivery cycle? How can the team act in a transparent manner? What work can be avoided in order to focus on high-priority items? How can a servantleadership approach benefit the achievement of the team’s goals?
Question 15 - ID: 603428
A project manager looking to improve their emotional intelligence should focus on what?
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Answer and explanation:
Inbound competencies refer to self-management and self-awareness, while outbound competencies refer to relationship management.
Question 16 - ID: 973242
Sue is the leader of an enterprise PMO. Recently, she rolled out a quarterly project auditing process. Each quarter, 10 percent of the project portfolio would be randomly audited. What is the leading motivator and benefit of project audits?
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Answer and explanation:
PMOs may facilitate project audits as a means of monitoring compliance against published standards, policies, and procedures published by the PMO and/or the company. A key benefit of project audits is that they serve as a tool for identifying potential threats to compliance, such as legal or contractual requirements.
Question 17 - ID: 882938
At the end of a sprint, the Scrum team met to talk through what went well and what could be improved. One engineer noted that the recent changes to daily stand-ups were working. Which of the following describes the actions that the Scrum team carried out?
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Answer and explanation:
The Scrum team held a sprint retrospective. In Scrum, this meeting is held at the end of every sprint and allows the team to identify what went well in the process during the recent sprint and what could have gone better, and they commit to improving at least one thing in the upcoming sprint. They are a combination of lessons learned and process improvement.
Question 18 - ID: 573414
A predictive life cycle approach is characterized by which of the following?
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Answer and explanation:
A highly predictive (waterfall) life cycle typically has detailed specifications, with requirements defined up front before work begins. A highly adaptive life cycle (Agile) has requirements that are progressively elaborated on, and delivery occurs frequently. Change within a predictive life cycle is constrained, while adaptive encourages change to be incorporated in real time during delivery.
Question 19 - ID: 222657
As part of establishing a new project team, a project manager chooses to create an official team charter. What will the project manager likely include within the document?
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Answer and explanation:
The team charter is used to establish the team, clarify expectations, and create team norms. It typically highlights team values, agreements, and how the team will operate together throughout the project’s life. It may also define team ground rules and other expected behaviors.
Question 20 - ID: 763309
A project manager is responsible for a project that consists of Agile team members dispersed across four time zones. The team has experienced communication issues as a result. What can the project manager do to alleviate the communication challenges?
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Answer and explanation:
Teams that are geographically disbursed can still benefit from common virtual workspaces. The Agile Practice Guide provides two examples: creating a fishbowl window through an ongoing videoconferencing link between various locations, which is live through the workday, and setting up remote pairing through virtual conferencing tools that allow for screen, video, and audio sharing capabilities.
Question 21 - ID: 873413
Which of the following are elements captured within the team charter?
Select two
Answer and explanation:
The team charter captures and documents the guidelines for how the team will operate together, and it also captures the team values and agreements. Examples of elements addressed in the team charter include team values, communication guidelines, decision-making criteria and process, conflict resolution process, meeting guidelines, and team agreements. The roles and responsibilities and process for acquiring team members are captured within the resource management plan.
Question 22 - ID: 502804
You work in an environment that uses a combination of delivery approaches, namely, Agile and Predictive approaches, with one-month release cycles. The vice president of your division has told you to report the status of the project budget for the current release as on track. You have experienced three budget overruns in the past six months and know that the status of the budget for the existing release is poor. However, you also know there is a repayment coming on one of the procurement work orders that will reverse almost all of the cost overruns you’ve experienced for this latest release. Which of the following do you know to be true regarding this question?
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Answer and explanation:
According to the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, you should always report the truth regarding project status. This question refers to activities associated with the Manage Communications process.
Question 23 - ID: 173508
Cloud Divine is a startup company that provides SaaS using cloud computing. The first major project launched by the company involved a high degree of ambiguity and experienced issues, including a large number of changes to the project deliverables, nearly resulting in a failed project. All projects within the company are managed using a predictive life-cycle approach. What is the most likely cause for the high degree of issues experienced in the project?
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Answer and explanation:
While all options may have contributed to the project issues, a poorly written scope can quickly result in project failure, no matter how good the change control procedures or systems are. A lack of formal project management may have contributed as well but being certified does not guarantee that this type of scenario will not occur. The scope baseline is often used for change control purposes and in making project decisions, which is why a poorly written scope will result in a large number of project changes for projects managed using a predictive life-cycle approach. Given that the project contained high ambiguity, issues may have been reduced by using an adaptive or hybrid life-cycle approach.
Question 24 - ID: 742696
Your project sponsor approaches you with a small bonus check for your excellent work keeping costs in line with the budget. You think the amount of the bonus check is fair and deserved. Which of the following statements are true?
Select two
Answer and explanation:
Rewards and recognition systems are formal ways of promoting desirable behavior.
Question 25 - ID: 712709
Which of the following best defines virtual teams?
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Answer and explanation:
According to the PMBOK® Guide, virtual teams can be defined as groups of people with a shared goal who fulfill their roles with little or no time spent meeting face to face. Oftentimes, team members are dispersed across various locations.
Question 26 - ID: 902770
Which of the following statements is true regarding lateral thinking?
Select two
Answer and explanation:
Lateral thinking is a form of alternatives analysis often used to determine a project’s scope. It was created by Edward de Bono and serves as a means of reasoning and thinking about problems differently than what can be classified as evident.
Question 27 - ID: 943422
You are managing a software development project with a team that is colocated. The project is managed through a set of iterations that begin with the creation of story cards. The focus of each iteration is to deliver business value, with programmers working together in pairs and as a group. Which of the following are true regarding this question?
Select two
Answer and explanation:
In this scenario, you are using the eXtreme Programming (XP) approach, which is an adaptive approach to managing projects. XP delivers business value in each iteration and starts with creating story cards. Story cards are like user stories and contain requirements, features, and functionality. The story cards are designed in an incremental fashion. Pair programming involves two developers working on code together.
Question 28 - ID: 582763
A project manager is leading a project with team members dispersed globally. Which of the following tools or methods can the project manager use to create virtual workspaces?
Select two
Answer and explanation:
According to the Agile Practice Guide, there are various ways for geographically distributed teams to come together via a virtual workspace. Two examples provided include fishbowl windows and remote pairing.
Question 29 - ID: 293458
Which of the following reflect characteristics of Agile teams?
Select two
Answer and explanation:
While Agile teams vary, typical characteristics include the following: they range in size from three to nine team members, they are colocated, and they are 100 percent dedicated to the team.
Question 30 - ID: 673343
In flow-based Agile, what questions are teams likely to pose during stand-ups?
Select two
Answer and explanation:
In flow-based Agile, the focus is on the team’s throughput. Questions posed during stand-ups include the following: What do we need to do to advance this piece of work? Is anyone working on anything that is not on the board? What do we need to finish as a team? Are there any bottlenecks or blockers to the flow of work?

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